October 15, 2004

Avril dyes her hair!

Avril Lavigne has dyed her hair blonde because she is desperate to play Courtney Love in an upcoming movie.

The film, which will trace Love's life from her childhood, through her marriage to late Nirvana star Kurt Cobain, and will include her much-publicized battles with drink and drugs reports Teenhollywood.

Lavigne says, "Courtney is really nice and a great mom. It would be an honor to play her."

"I've been looking for a feisty role that suits my personality, and I think this is the one."

And former Hole frontwoman Love is anxious for Lavigne to portray her.

She says, "Avril rocks and is pretty enough to play me!"

Article from Ananova

Audrey - So if Courtney really is such a great mum, why was her daughter (Francis Bean) taken from her care? And i sure hope Avril has an interest in method acting. If i see this film, it'll be for the heroin, not the heroine.



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