October 01, 2004

growing old i suppose...

Its both empowering and depressing to watch inpiring individuals grow into items of irritation. Lars Fredrickson(Rancid, Lars Fredrickson And The Bastards) is a case in point for me this past year. I heard NoFX released a greatest hits...no response on that one yet either. wasn't there a line in a song of their that says "music written for devotion not ambition not for fame...dinosaurs will die..."... i'll always forgive you guys because NoFX are more than just an awesome band with a bunch of awesome records. they're a fucking awesome band with a bunch of really fucking cool records......

someone tell me i'm wrong but i'm sure i saw a poster somewhere of lars fredrickson selling shoes....and then there was the shampoo advertisment on tv.... some pretty odd pop punk hybrid music crap to propell him to stardom.... yeah yeah and we all know the story. i'm not condemning the guy yet, this year i've been getting a hell of a lot of happiness out of Rancid's 1995 LP "And Out Come The Wolves..." so hes not off the artistic roll call (apologies to Rev Bill Hicks. R.I.P) yet but still nobody i've spoken too has pleaded his case. G7 Welcoming Committee had this to say.

Has anybody seen this living dip-shit's newest re-invention of himself? Here's a heads-up bozo: real studs don't have to *hire* naked ladies to take pictures with them and real gangsters don't *rent* replica glauck's for their photo shoots. They actually *own* guns. *Real* guns. I can't believe this nerd. I dunno, is there a state law in California that requires every punk band to be stupid, terrible and pathetic? They have a law like that up here in Canada in the province of Ontario.
Anyways, I gotta go. The naked ladies in our office are getting bored and Derek can only keep them occupied with his trick-shooting for so long.

And in other news: apparently the major record stores refuse to sell Leftover Crack's new LP "FUCK WORLD TRADE"..hmmm....i wonder why. I gurantee it wont be long no before i get my hands on the newest installment of that good o'l crack rock steady beat.


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