February 08, 2005

magic monday

its been hot and sunny every day so far and today is no exception.
i just walked back to renai's from Megan's new
place and i think i probably stink. its an awesome
coincidence that everyone i've been seeing down here and everywhere
that i've been staying involves these beautiful (albeit a little
small) terrace houses all situated in the suburbs directly surrounding
Newtown, which is incidentally, one of the greatest environments i've
ever experienced. theres crazy subversive art all over buildings
everywhere. i think i'll probably go through about a dozen rolls of
film in the next couple of weeks.

yesterday i went to Kate's (rezza's gf) house in Marrickville. her
bedroom wall is plastered with signed buffy posters and photos of her
with the characters. (yes ann, she met spike and had her photo taken
with him, and she met xander and some others. shes one of the nicest
people i have ever ever met and i think you two would get on like a
house on fire.)

last night i left renais sometime around 7pm to meet megan in enmore
(@ The Duke) for some beers.
i hadn't seen the main st of newtown (King st) in the evening, except
for friday with aaron at about 3am (we were both pretty wasted on red
wine and weed at that point so its a little hazy).
i think i must have had the biggest fucking grin on my face walking
down the footpath surrounded on all sides by queers of every possible
description, punks, metalheads, drunks, junkies, hippies, street
artists, and people high on every drug known to man.

i must say, compared to hindley street its pretty fucking intense.

i went into a punk and metal store and gave copies of Ubercunt to a
bunch of sexy punk chics. they loved it. i noticed a whole bunch of
pictures on the wall by the guy who does necrotardation. i noticed a
vinyl copy of Jello Biafra & The Melvins for sixteen dollars and had
to run away to stop myself from buying it.

through megan i met a bunch of metalheads from armadale (the kind that
drink copious amounts of beer, smoke bongs and listen to dimmu borgir,
the dead kennedy's, sublime and aphex twin all in the space of 30
min). we walked to their place (another fucking terrace house) and i
drank coopers sparkling and laughed and met a pierced punk lesbian
from next door with a thing for Dick Dale and a guy with bipolar depression whos long
running (i think he said about 10 years) prescribed lithium treatment
has done anything but calm him down.

i passed out on megans couch sometime later on and experienced some
seriously fucked up dreams about beating a guy to death and then being
hunted down and beaten to unconcious by about a dozen cops.

the cops down here are hard fucking cunts. they're everywhere and
their uniforms look a lot more like riot gear than the stuff the sa
cops wear. and they carry tasers! (and guns, batons, etc)

i'm catching up with azza again sometime today apparently. we spoke
about 5 min ago and he promised to try and hook up some weed for me.

i have a camera now so i'll bring some photos back with me too.

im gonna go and eat some breakfast now, i discovered today that there
are more flavours of those awesome mi goreng two minute noodles that
me and pete love so much than coles in sa had led me to believe.


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