September 06, 2011

Tale Of A Mad Night

In Don Quixote's case, the auspicious community of the wise and the sane took it upon themselves to judge his books and to burn them. Cervante's chilling parody of the Spanish Inquisition is echoed by our own contemporary experiences with forces of Law and Order and by the current and recent Administration's attempts to protect us from dangerous ideas and information, for our own good.

In a subtler way, the collective efforts of the self appointed sane influence the whole field of psychiatry and psychology. The clinical diagnosis of psychopathology is too often a form of social control. If other people make us nervous by the foreignness of their queer talk and odd behaviour, we give them tranquilizing drugs and lock them away in custodial institutions."

~ Sheldon B. Kopp from If You Meet Buddha On The Road, Kill Him!


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