August 10, 2006

International Project for a Participatory Society

"June 1 - 6, 2006 about thirty five people from eleven countries assembled in Woods Hole, Massachusetts for what was called Z Sessions on Vision and Strategy. Perhaps the most notable and unusual attribute of this gathering was the extent to which, in just a few days, a tight and inspiring solidarity emerged among those attending who discussed all manner of topics, but beyond sharing ideas, also developed a sense of shared commitments. This solidarity, in turn, fueled a desire to maintain ties and to expand our efforts. Thus was born what we called the International Project for a Participatory Society or IPPS "

check it out at : (

(quoted text taken from the initial ZNET mail announcement.)

August 02, 2006

The first Unionists in nearly 40 years are facing persecution in Australia. The Howard Government has started to sue ordinary building workers over alleged industrial action. The prosecutions could see ordinary families lose their homes as punishment for standing up for their rights. Here is the URL for the section of the CFMEU web site about the 107 West Australian workers fined $28,000.00 for standing by their delegate.
The URL is a hyperlink so simply click on it to be transported to the CFMEU web site or copy and paste the address in your navigation bar and hit the green 'go' button. There is a flyer (2 x A4) to print and distribute. It is in colour however it would convey the same information in grey scale.There is also an automated proforma email to Kevin Andrews which is very convenient to send.

(this post was found on the civil rights network mailing list)